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襄阳Water Pump Energy Efficiency Control Box

襄阳Water Pump Energy Efficiency Control Box

  • Category:襄阳Control Panel
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  • Release time:2022-03-09 14:20:14
  • Product description

Water Pump Energy Efficiency Control Box



◆Strong and weak electricity integration

◆Integrated smart meter and energy metering function

◆Automatic liquid level control

◆Ultra high liquid level warning function

◆Automatic time failure rotation function

◆Local display and control function

◆Intelligent communication interface (BACnet MS/TP) 

◆Reduces building costs and 

◆Makes maintenance simple

Function description

1) Automatically start and stop the submersible sewage pump based on the liquid level of the collecting well; start a single submersible sewage pump when the liquid level is high; start two submersible sewage pumps at the same time when the liquid level is too high; and sound an alarm if the sewage overflows. Turn off the pump.

2) Keep an eye on the submersible sewage pump's performance and call for maintenance if it fails.

3) It contains an automatic time fault rotation function to ensure that the two pumps run at the same time.

4) Distant communication access can be allocated for remote monitoring, and the device can be commanded to start and stop on site.


                                                         Schematic diagram of automatic control

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