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阜新Network Air Conditioning Energy Efficiency Control Box

阜新Network Air Conditioning Energy Efficiency Control Box

  • Category:阜新Control Panel
  • Browse number:2092
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  • Release time:2022-03-09 14:10:11
  • Product description

Network Air Conditioning Energy Efficiency Control Box



◆Integrated smart meter and energy metering function

 Integrated smart meter and energy metering function

◆Air conditioner temperature control 

◆LCD screen local display and control function

◆Intelligent communication interface (BACnet MS/TP)

◆Reduces building costs 

◆Makes maintenance simple

Function description

1) Adjust the opening of the waterway electric control valve according to the PID, based on the difference between the measured temperature of the air duct and the set temperature, so that the measured temperature reaches the set temperature.

Summer: To minimize the amount of chilled water, close the opening of the cold water valve if the air duct temperature is less than the predetermined value.

Increase the opening of the cold water valve and the amount of chilled water if the air duct temperature is higher than the predetermined value.

Winter: To minimize the amount of hot water, close the opening of the hot water valve if the air duct temperature is higher than the predetermined temperature.

Increase the opening of the hot water valve to increase the amount of hot water if the air duct temperature is below the predetermined value.

2) Interlocking: While turning on, open the fresh air valve first, then the fan; when turning off, stop the air valve first, then the fan. When the antifreeze switch is activated and the coil water valve is automatically opened after the fan stops, the electric regulating water valve is automatically closed, and an alarm message is delivered.

3) An alarm will sound if the pressure difference between the two ends of the air filter is too great, requiring immediate cleaning.

4) It can be controlled both on-site and remotely.

                                             Schematic diagram of automatic control


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